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 WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP? I am just using a word to describe the meaning of a friendship. The word has his own answer that word is nothing but “TRUTH”. Now question always comes in mind what is truth in friendship. Truth is nothing but the unbreakable bond between the two friends. We say that he is my best friend , I am also his best friend but really you are? Answer is always yes, but in mind a question always disturbs you, really I am? By thinking by setting your mind you find answer. 1) if I know him very well. And he knows me very well then we are best friends 2) if I know him very well, but he does not know very well about me then we are not best friend 3) if he knows me , but I am not showing any interest to know him then in actual we are not best friends. We think these three conditions but in real these conditions are nothing but a LIE WHICH WE TELL TO OURSELF BY MIND. This means that best friend are those friends who always with you in any situation. It does not matters you underst