
Showing posts from March, 2022


 WHAT IS FRIENDSHIP? I am just using a word to describe the meaning of a friendship. The word has his own answer that word is nothing but “TRUTH”. Now question always comes in mind what is truth in friendship. Truth is nothing but the unbreakable bond between the two friends. We say that he is my best friend , I am also his best friend but really you are? Answer is always yes, but in mind a question always disturbs you, really I am? By thinking by setting your mind you find answer. 1) if I know him very well. And he knows me very well then we are best friends 2) if I know him very well, but he does not know very well about me then we are not best friend 3) if he knows me , but I am not showing any interest to know him then in actual we are not best friends. We think these three conditions but in real these conditions are nothing but a LIE WHICH WE TELL TO OURSELF BY MIND. This means that best friend are those friends who always with you in any situation. It does not matters you underst

Will you change Yourself for others?

 Will you change Yourself for others? By changing your personality for others is the biggest loss you have faced in your life and this is the “Bitter Truth” of the world. I am an observer whose interest is to make everyday as a new journey of life. I am a writer whose interest is to write the feelings that are gushing in my mind from many days. I am a hustler wanna to achieve myself only for myself not for others and that makes me “ Who Am I Today ”.  But there were many stories of peoples who are as like as me but due to many obstacles in life they changes their way and in short they changes their personality for others.  This make me to ask a question for those people who do so to achieve many things in life, but are they happy with what they are doing right now? The decisions that others takes for you are you happy with those decisions? Well answer might be different in many scenario. Some may say yes I am happy cause I helped myself to ADJUST with the situations. Some might say I a

The origin of humanity

The origin of humanity We as a humans lives in community of humans. We as a humans tends to describe our thoughts with others, we as a humans loves to share feelings with our loved ones and in fact we as a humans hates each other as well and this is the truth of society where we live. For humans like us our pets are much more important that the parents who gives us birth, right? Hey, you just read this line and you are thinking that is it true or not. Well answer might be different because we as a humans have different thoughts on different things and with different ways to share those thoughts as well. We as a humans believes in evolution but at some moments of life we are those humans who acts like a person as like as some decades ago. Well forgive my English because we as a humans have a tendency to share thoughts on someone’s weakness and just like that…. We as a humans believes in humanity, do we really do so ? In the current war time we as a humans sharing thoughts on those wh